Friday, 29 May 2009

Let the battle commence

Earlier this month Sony announced a new and totally free on-demand music video-streaming service for the PS3 called ‘Vidzone’. It offers users unlimited streaming of music videos from a library of content to watch from their PS3 or have streamed to their PSP via remote play. Personally speaking, in addition to the service being free, its main selling point over YouTube (also available via the PS3) is the higher quality of its videos and sound. I’m a great fan of YouTube but, I must admit, the quality of the video and sound can leave a lot to be desired – even the alleged ‘HD’ videos. Sony state that Vidzone is "backed by several Major record labels as well as thousands of Independent labels" which is great news. Coupled with PlayTV where you can watch, pause and record free-to-air digital television, Vidzone further expands the wonderful entertainment possibilities of PS3. I’m already beginning to buy more Blu-rays and the list of games being released this year alone is making my wallet quiver in fear.

Not to be outdone, Microsoft has just announced a deal with SKY that will see live football, TV and film content brought to the Xbox 360 for a fee. Sky's channels will be available on the Xbox 360 later this year but they won’t free and as yet no specific content or pricing details have been announced.

Both the PS3 and Xbox 360 deals are good for the consumer in providing us with greater choice. The battle for our eyes, ears and money is being fought in the living room. What will we watch? How will we watch it? These are debates likely to endure for sometime but, regardless of whether you prefer a PS3 or Xbox there is no denying that these are exciting times for us.


Munial said...

Well, I'll be watching SKY while you can watch some uh, music videos.. ;)

S1nnerman said...

Well ... my parents have SKY so if we can use the Xbox360 as a second unit in the house from one account - I'll get one!